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It's not about 'left' or 'right' anymore.
Join the Revolution.
Politics Be Damned
We, the 99.9%, have been distracted long enough.
The time for left vs. right is over.
This is about the poorest 40 million Canadians asking the richest 40,000 Canadians to give back what they unfairly took from us through exploitative business practices for generation after generation!
Unwavering Support for Unions
In combination with dramatically increasing taxes on the ultrawealthy and their massive corporations, we believe supporting Canadian labour unions, expanding labour laws, and enshrining labour rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms will ensure we can't be exploited ever again.
Labour unions have been responsible for giving us most of the labour rights[source] we enjoy today:
in a time when 10-14 hour workdays were common, unions demanded the 8-hour workday
the minimum wage came from union action
the very idea of the weekend itself is the result of efforts by labour unions
workplace safety laws were created after unions rallied following countless on-the-job deaths and injuries
Regardless of how you feel about any particular union or local, we should all say thank you to unions as a whole for the majority of labour rights we enjoy today.
Big Labour Changes
We're proposing major changes that will immediately and drastically improve the lives of millions of Canadians:
Universal Basic Income (UBI)
A national Living Wage mandate which directly regulates the federal minimum wage
Increasing minimum to 4 weeks annual vacation (8% for part time employees)
A minimum of 10 paid sick days per year for all Canadian employees, up from only 6% of Canadians today
Mandating free dental care, pharmacare, vision care, and mental healthcare for all, regardless of employment
Enshrining equal gig worker rights in the Canada Labour Code[link]
Sweeping new whistleblower protections across every industry
A job guarantee for everyone who wants to work
A Modern Labour Revolution
“The labor movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress. Out of its bold struggles, economic and social reform gave birth to unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, government relief for the destitute and, above all, new wage levels that meant not mere survival but a tolerable life. The captains of industry did not lead this transformation; they resisted it until they were overcome.”
― Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Speech to the Illinois AFL-CIO State Convention, Oct 07, 1965
Suddenly and Unexpectedly
The number of people in Canada experiencing homelessness continues to grow almost as fast as CEO's bonuses. Don't be misled by 'official statistics'; anyone who works in the field knows the real numbers are much higher because of incomplete and flawed data collection and a phenomenon called 'hidden homelessness.'[source][source]
As many as 80% of unhoused Canadians are missed by official counts, meaning published estimates of 235,000 unhoused Canadians annually may actually be well over 500,000. Homelessness is no longer a distant problem in a far away land happening to someone else. Tent cities have arrived in Canadian cities from coast to coast.
The hundreds of thousands of Canadians experiencing homelessness didn't think it would happen to them either...