The Revolution Party of Canada (referred to as either the "RPC" or the "Party") is a collective of Canadian individuals which share the common socialist ethics, values, and goals as defined in this Constitution - in particular the Manifesto of Human Needs.
The Constitution of the RPC defines the founding purpose, principles, and structure of the Party and how its by-laws and policies will be applied in the governance of the Party. While we believe it is a strong foundation on which to build, we also hope and expect this Constitution and By-Laws will be improved upon over time.
Article 1 - Manifesto of Human Needs
Humans do not choose to be born, nor do we have any influence on the time, place, or other circumstances of our birth; to acknowledge this fundamental truth we must also agree that no human can be illegal or immoral simply because they exist as they are.
Humans are fragile, evolving biological creatures with complex chemical, physical, and mental needs for survival and exist in a challenging, mostly-undiscovered universe which is not perfectly suited for our short- or long-term survival.
Human brains have evolved to allow for the creation of shared language and interpersonal relationships which has resulted in complex social organizations including civilization itself.
Human brains have invented new technologies, such as computers and robots, that far exceed our innate capabilities and which have, for the first time in our history, allowed us to produce far more than is needed for everyone to thrive.
We believe that since we now have the practicable means to provide the necessities to every person alive today and born in the future we have the ethical obligation to do so.
We believe the primary function of a government is to care for its diverse peoples, their individual needs, and the universe which sustains them, not to rule over the people or to exert or enforce personal ideals or standards of thought.
We believe that access to comprehensive, accurate, unbiased, and anonymized information is critically important for governments and individuals alike to make important decisions from an informed perspective; this specifically also means that the government must provide broad and deep transparency to the entire general public and the free press about governmental activities and intentions.
We believe all government policies and laws must be developed upon objective, evidence-based science and meet the highest standards of ethics and compassion.
We believe it is critically important to invest, as much as is practicable at the time, in novel research and the education of the entire population, both together forming the technological foundation of our modern society and each of which individually will play a crically important role in the foreseeable future of humanity.
We believe that as individuals, as a society and as a species, we can never be done acknowledging and learning from our mistakes and that implementing policies with transparency and accountability and making meaningful and occasionally radical changes from what is learned and enacting these changes are critical functions of government.
We believe the uniquely influential and forceful powers of government are to be used sparingly and solely for the advancement and benefit of society, never as a mechanism for personal enrichment or empowerment; for this reason, it is critical that governmental power be spread as widely and thinly as reasonably practicable to ensure no person or group collects or wields an inequitable amount of power.
We believe that if a government no longer provides the necessities of human life to its people, every citizen capable of doing so has an ethical duty to collectively revolt against their government with whatever means are at their reasonable disposal to demand provision for all of their needs and for all of the needs of their fellow citizens.
We believe that unlimited, safe. and reliable personal access to food, water, shelter, and air are basic human rights - not privileges.
We believe that unlimited, safe, and reliable personal access to education, healthcare, safety, justice, and a capability-based opportunity to contribute to society are basic rights, not privileges, for humans in societies.
We believe that unlimited, safe, and reliable personal access to energy, information, privacy, representation, and equitable freedoms are basic rights, not privileges, for humans in modern societies.
We believe that unlimited, safe, and reliable personal access to research, exploration, expansion, biological and cybernetic adaptation, and many as-yet unimaginable freedoms are likely basic rights, not privileges, for humans in futuristic societies - and that we should never stop investigating social, technological, and other improvements for the benefit of humanity.
Article 2 - Scope of the Constitution and By-Laws
This Constitution, together with the By-Laws, will govern the activities of the Party, especially for all individuals acting on behalf of the Party, and the rights and responsibilities of its Members and Applicants.
The Constitution will have precedence over the By-Laws, and any By-Law that is inconsistent with the Constitution will be null and void to the extent of the inconsistency.
The Constitution and By-Laws will have precedence over any other decision of the membership, and any membership decision that is inconsistent with the Constitution will be null and void to the extent of the inconsistency.
Article 3 - Purpose of the Party
It is the purpose of the Party to advance the Party's Platform, Policies, and the Manifesto of Human Needs for the equitable welfare of Canadians. As may be necessary to achieve these purposes, the Party may choose to engage in any activities, such as:
3.1.1 - Fielding, endorsing, and electing members of the Party as candidates of the Party for election to the House of Commons and supporting their election.
3.1.2 - Debating and forming legislation in the Canadian Parliament and by participating in, or forming, the Government of Canada.
3.1.3 - Developing Policies and Platforms consistent with the Party Constitution, especially the Manifesto of Human Needs.
3.1.4 - Forming and maintaining Party organizations at the federal, provincial, territorial, and electoral district levels.
3.1.5 - Working in solidarity with socialist parties globally.
The Party is irrevocably a not-for-profit entity.
Article 4 - Transparency
This portion of the RPC Constitution is still under development and will be fashioned upon the most ethical and effective standards in place today among global democratic socialist political parties.
Article 5 - Accountability
This portion of the RPC Constitution is still under development and will be fashioned upon the most ethical and effective standards in place today among global democratic socialist political parties.
Article 6 - Federal Council
This portion of the RPC Constitution is still under development and will be fashioned upon the most ethical and effective standards in place today among global democratic socialist political parties.
Article 7 - Party Membership
This portion of the RPC Constitution is still under development and will be fashioned upon the most ethical and effective standards in place today among global democratic socialist political parties.
Article 8 - Associations & Partnerships
This portion of the RPC Constitution is still under development and will be fashioned upon the most ethical and effective standards in place today among global democratic socialist political parties.
Article 9 - Dissolution or Merger
To ensure the RPC's focus is not diluted, distracted, or redirected, we have a strict no-merger policy. When the time comes that all human needs - according to the Manifesto of Human Needs - are met, we will gladly and voluntarily dissolve our party being no longer needed.
Any resolution to dissolve the RPC must include all of the following requirements:
9.1.1 - whether through the actions of the RPC or by any other cause, all components of the Manifesto of Human Needs must have been incorporated into the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution of Canada, or other such fundamental laws of Canada; and
9.1.2 - a vote of greater than 80% comprised of no less than two-thirds of Members.
Under no circumstances may the RPC merge with any other party or entity.
Article 10 - Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws
This portion of the RPC Constitution is still under development and will be fashioned upon the most ethical and effective standards in place today among global democratic socialist political parties.
Article 11 - Officers and Leadership
This portion of the RPC Constitution is still under development and will be fashioned upon the most ethical and effective standards in place today among global democratic socialist political parties.
Article 12 - Territorial and Provincial Parties
This portion of the RPC Constitution is still under development and will be fashioned upon the most ethical and effective standards in place today among global democratic socialist political parties.