Political Program
The aims, principles, and platform of the Revolution Party of Canada (RPC).
To maximize corporate profits, the ultrawealthy continue to exploit the working class. To cover our mistreatment at their hands, we've been brainwashed to believe that capitalism is the best system for the everyday citizen.
This is a big lie.
The capitalist status quo benefits the richest and most powerful individuals and corporations, but we can change the systems that enforce their will upon us. We can elect to take our power back and create a far more equitable society for the 99.9%.
The ultrawealthy manipulate the media to make us fight amongst ourselves while they tighen their grip on us. From their penthouses and seats in Parliament they bicker about every problem to avoid actually having to fix anything at all. The world is burning around us and we no longer have time for endless political babble.
Our structure of government was made by us - and can be remade by us.
Our financial systems were made by us - and can be remade by us.
Our social institutions were made by us - and can be remade by us.
The time has come to act.
We're proposing:
Revolutionizing Human Rights
How is it possible that food, water, shelter, and a livable environment are still not guaranteed human rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Liberal and Conservative governments have failed to provide these for all of us for more than 100 years.
Acknowledging Past and Present Mistakes
The laws, customs, and institutions that form the foundation of Canadian society today are intentionally designed with all kinds of biases that support wealthy, white, Christian, cisgender, heterosexual men at the expense of all others - especially vulnerable groups such as women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Indigenous Peoples, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, and people with disabilities to name only a few.
Addressing the Immediate Crises
The global climate crisis is real and the greatest current threat to the very survival of humanity itself, but it's far from the only life or death challenge being faced right now by Canadians at home and abroad. It's time to act in global coordination with urgency.
Preparing for Crises of the Future
The COVID-19 pandemic reminded us that the failure to plan and prepare for serious future threats can have grave real world consequences for individuals and families. We must invest now to safeguard the needs and human rights of every living and future Canadian. Our large country will face unprecedented natural distasters like wild fires, floods, and outbreaks for decades and centuries to come.
Revolutionizing Human Rights
Updating the Charter
Before we can decide how to fix our problems, we must first agree on what the problems are.
Needs of Humans in Societies
Reliable and equitable access to education, healthcare, representation, safety, and justice systems form the minimum acceptable standard for people in any society.
We propose new systems that prioritize saving lives and providing the very best possible quality of life for everyone with the available resources of the people - over profits for the few individuals who have amassed an absurd collection of resources they could never use in a billion lifetimes.
Human Needs in Our Modern Society
When the majority of our laws, institutions, and traditions were created, people of that time couldn't imagine the new and rapidly-evolving circumstances of flight, telecommunications, nuclear power, space travel, and the Internet.
In the decades and centures since then, we've developed new needs - such as energy for heating and Internet for information and entertainment. We must act pre-emptively to protect these as Charter rights in Canada before some future goverment decides to take them away from us.
Human Needs in Future Societies
While we can't begin to imagine the possible futures that are thousands or millions of years away, we can already see a number of rapidly approaching challenges that humanity will face in the coming decades and centuries - pushed inevitably forward by the steady march of technological advancement...
As we rapidly approach the next age of humankind, we must remember that humans have needs and must be treated ethically, equitably, and compassionately.
Acknowledging Past and Present Mistakes
Castles Made of Sand
The next step is admitting we have problems as a result of how our systems were made - and that the theme among the problems is: strong bias in favour of the desires of a powerful few individuals over the needs of the vast majority of us. It's time to let go of the old, broken systems and implement a modern form of socialist government.
Capitalism supports the maintenance of vast hoards of intergenerational wealth concentrated within only a handful of individuals who leverage the power their money gives them to rise above the rules that govern everyone else - creating a self-reinforcing cycle giving them even more wealth and power.
Recognizing the difference between the importance of ethical commerce and the natural toxicity of capitalism is key to undoing the effects of current propaganda that perpetuates the problem.
We believe we've entered Late-Stage Capitalism, a period which has been marked by a significant rise in bigotry, inequality, and the return of fascism.
Colonialism / Imperialism
Conquest through brutal violent action has dominated the overall narrative of human history - in the quest for more stuff for us at the cost of less stuff for them - with gross disregard for human rights and life.
The patriarchy is a disproven gender binary-centric idea that cis men are naturally superior to all other human conditions - which manifests as a system of oppression against every person who isn't outwardly identified as a cis man, resulting in the reduction or elimination of personal agency and bodily autonomy of many people here in Canada and billions more around the world.
Organized Religion
When involved in political, economic, and governmental affairs, organized religion has been one of history's biggest catalysts of war and oppression - resulting in the death and suffering of hundreds of millions of souls, as well as the loss of the religion, freedoms, and culture of the conquered and oppressed. Providing active support to every faith and every faithful person is an important part of the process of separating the government from influence of organized religion.
Monarchies / Oligarchies
Similar to capitalism, monarchies, and similar power structures are designed to perpetuate the concentration of wealth and power among the few that already have it - at the expense of everyone else. While their influence on our culture and customs is undeniable, so too is their lack of purpose and value in modern society. They remain now only as a reminder of how we were once oppressed by them before capitalism diminshed their power and influence.
Failed Democracy
Electoral (e.g., First Past The Post) and legislative systems (e.g., the unelected Senate) are designed to concentrate power into the hands of fewer individuals - who are typically wealthy or influential before getting into office - and for longer periods of time. This gives rise to conflicts of interest and circumstances allowing politicians to put their own personal interests above the interests of Canadians they are supposed to represent.
Addressing the Immediate Crises
False Dilemma
The number and types of issues facing Canadians today seems truly daunting at first glance. To make matters worse, some of the most severe problems are so very specific they apply only to a small group of people.
Contrary to politicians that say change is too hard or that we must choose between funding this policy or that policy: We actually can work on solving many large, difficult problems at the same time.
The Canadian government employs more than 360,000 people[source] with trusted experts from every field, trade, and profession imaginable - not just the same few talking heads frequently interviewed on the mainstream news. When we put our collective minds to the most serious and urgent problems, we will prevail.
Healthcare and Pandemic Response
From early experimental research to commercialization development, from design to production of medicine and medical equipment, comprehensive rapid response plans and supporting logistics, and point-of-care sized and staffed for peak need - our goal is nothing short of having the world's best domestic healthcare capabilities from cradle to grave.
Inflation and the Economy
Spoiled with far, far more resources than our current population could ever use and with a strong, growing, highly-educated society, Canada has a nearly unmatched ability to provide for every citizen - with enough to spare such that those already in middle class can still become millionaires.
Directly supporting individuals and small businesses (which make up 98% of Canadian businesses and employ 64% of Canadians) will have the most effective impact on driving the Canadian economy forward. Trickle-down economics was long-ago debunked capitalist propaganda posing as valid economic theory, which heavily favoured the ultrawealthy at the expense of everyone else, further increasing inequality.
Climate Change
It's real and it's here now. Aside from preparing for the natural disasters coming as a result, we also need to take immediate dramatic action to reduce further escalation of the problem. The main cause is not families using plastic straws at fast food restaurants - it's corporations and destructive food mass-production practices. We will cut through the distractions and propaganda hitting the causes of climate change at their heart.
Natural Disasters
As climate change continues to ravage the world in new, severe, and sometimes unexpected ways, we must design and deploy new capabilities to respond quickly and effectively to the urgent needs of desperate Canadians from coast to coast, regardless of personal identity or political affiliation.
Preparing for Crises of the Future
Hope For The Best, Plan For The Worst
With young and future Canadians in mind, we must prioritize investments for an optimistic future.
For the same reason seatbelts aren't effective when worn after a car collision, we must act now and with urgency to protect our precious future, before it's too late.
Science & Technology
For each problem Canadian society faces today and for each human need of the future, we must invest in the necessary science and technology to ethically and sustainably power our future societies.
Social Reforms
As a society changes, so should its laws and customs. Historically, society has been oppressed by one group prioritizing themselves over the basic needs of another. We must commit ourselves to the never-ending task of continuously improving the rules and traditions of society as humanity evolves. This job has no finish line.
International Relations
It is unrealistic to expect similar social reforms in places that don't have the same advantages available to Canada and Canadians, so we must focus foreign policy on supporting disadvantaged people around the world in their righteous demand for human rights.
National Defence
With an understanding of the current geopolitical climate, it is still important to consider the defence of Canada's sovereignty and active participation in defence of global equality and stability from fascism, authoritarian communism, dictatorships, monarchies, and other forms of authoritarianism.
Global Intervention
We strongly support a general policy of non-interventionalism in extranational affairs and seek an overall peaceful approach to international relations. Canadians don't want to fight - or see their children fight - in the growing number of senseless wars escalating around the world. Securing peace treaties and withdrawing Canada from NATO and positioning ourselves as neutral will save countless Canadian lives in the next war to break out.
The Full Policy Library
We appreciate you taking the time to read our platform overview to learn more about how we're proposing to make Canada work for all Canadians.
Legislative policy requires much more detail than we've provided in this overview. For those interested in the fine print, we invite you to continue reading our entire library of policy statements.