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Despite what we've been taught, our economic problems and the climate crisis are 

Not Your Fault

The Ultrawealthy Have Duped Us All

Donation Boxes

Middle-Class Guilt

The term 'carbon footprint' was coined and promoted by the marketing department of British Petroleum (BP) since 2005 to shift blame for the climate crisis from big corporate polluters to individual citizens.

Globally, the energy (73.2%) and agriculture, forestry, and land-use (18.4%) sectors generate far, far more greenhouse gas emissions than industrial manufacturing (5.2%) and waste (e.g., from consumer goods) (3.2%)[source]. By focusing on clean energy and agriculture, we can be simultaneously more effective against climate change and less intrusive to our current way of life.

Banning single-use plastics (e.g., drinking straws and grocery bags) was a political distraction, which had little-to-no meaningful impact to reduce climate change[source][source]. Of course reducing our dependence on plastics is critically important, but we can't save the planet with token gestures.

It should be no surprise that it was the same hypocritical Liberal government that banned plastic straws while simultaneously building a new pipeline to extract even more oil and gas. That type of two-faced insanity only makes sense when you remember who gets paid and how...

Donation Guilt 

Personal charitable donations (i.e., voluntary small-scale socialist wealth redistributions) continue to be a vital resource for people in need.

On the other hand, personal donations from ordinary Canadians are not the solution to the major issues we face. We've seen heartbreaking ads for decades, explaining how we can save children from poverty in other countries one monthly donation at a time - while our governments continue to enact policies that create and perpetuate the conditions of poverty.

These issues weren't caused by the so-called middle class (another term coined to distract us), nor is it their responsibility to dip into their already shrinking household budgets to fix them.


We recognize that donations can also be intensely personal to the giver, such as donations to medical research in memory of a lost loved one. For that reason, we encourage everyone to continue giving within their means while we hold corporations and the ultrawealthy accountable!

Unlearn the Guilt

The ultrawealthy made, and continue to make, the decisions that create the conditions that cause global poverty and climate changing greenhouse gas emissions. This was not something we asked or voted for. 

We have no direct power to change the world through donations, but we can vote our way to change.

The Liberals promote pro-corporation anti-worker ideas posing as leftist policies. There are fewer economic policy differences between the Liberals and Conservatives than one might think...


The Greens and NDP continue to suggest band-aid solutions which fail to address the root problem - massive corporations and the ultrawealthy - in order to compromise with the Liberals, although they do promote many progressive ideas by comparison.

No Compromising on Human Needs

The RPC believes human needs are beyond compromise and will ensure them for all living and future Canadians by updating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to include them explicitly and irrevocably - in plain and simple language, so they can't be chipped away at and 'misinterpreted' by future governments and courts.

Properly funded social programs cost a lot of money, so we're proposing to fund the increased government spending by dramatically raising taxes on banks, billionaires, and big businesses.

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