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Human Rights
May 19, 2024
Food, air, water, and shelter are proven necessities for human survival. The RPC will irrevocably add them to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The Revolution Party's manifesto is based on internationally recognized standards of human rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), which draw upon decades and centuries of scientific social, biochemical, psychological, and other anthropological research to understand human needs, desires, and behaviours.
Time is running out to address the multiple major crises faced by humanity, so we need to prioritize. By starting from a position of addressing human needs first, we can find common ground irrespective of perspective, origin, faith, or cultural differences.
Capitalism's supporters have brainwashed us to prioritize corporate profits above people's lives. In our Manifesto of Human Needs, we propose a number of significant and irrevocable expansions to the human rights of Canadians to rectify these grave injustices.
Simply put, humans have basic needs to survive and we believe these are not a reasonable sacrifice when balancing our national budget. Only once everyone's needs are met can we begin to enjoy luxuries and debate how to divide excesses from the results of our labour.