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Last Updated
January 21, 2024
Most contemporary bioethical debates, on topics like stems cells, GMOs, organ lab-grown organ transplants, cloning, and whole genome diagnosis once seemed futuristic or pure fantasy. Tomorrow's debates have already begun involving near-future technologies such as cryonics and basic cybernetics, including Musk-funded Neuralink.
Like every other aspect of governance, we must first start from a place of ethics and sustainability, while also balancing and respecting individual rights and freedoms. We will invest in research and establish new committees focused on ensuring all new and existing legislation considers bioethics.
We've been modifying our environment to suit our needs since before recorded history, but modifying the human condition itself is an area of modern science that's not well understood - yet. Different aspects are coming to the front pushed forward by technological advancement and the resulting rise of movements like transhumanism[1]. We believe steps forward in this area should be careful and thoughtful, being ever aware of the slippery slope it can become.