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Last Updated
January 23, 2024
The RPC will create a publicly-owned, clean energy-powered national high-speed rail network to facilitate movement of Canadians from coast-to-coast and between major centres of commerce, starting with five key routes: a Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal loop, a Montreal-Quebec City corridor, a Vancouver-Kamloops-Calgary corridor, a Calgary-Edmonton corridor, and a Toronto-Kitchener-London-Windsor corridor.
By 2050, we aim to construct the Trans-Canada Railway (TCR), a rail system equivalent to the Trans-Canada Highway (TCH), which emulates the best parts of the Japanese, French, German, Chinese, and Spanish systems and serve Canadians with the second-most kilometres of high-speed rail (8,000km) in the world (behind only China)[1].
We're long past the point of acknowledging climate change; we now need to commit ourselves to solving the crisis as a united species. By putting green technology research ahead of the profits of the ultra-wealthy, we can protect our planet for generations to come.