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Party Funding Reform

Policy Area

Priority Level

Last Updated

Electoral Reform


January 23, 2024

The Policy

The RPC will improve the equitability of individual influence on political power by reducing the maximum annual donation from $1,725 (2025) to $200 and making the entire amount tax deductible.

The Research

Our Broader Stance on:

With so many conflicting opinions on the best form of government, any government reform will surely be a contentious topic. Our position is that we must select the best currently known form of democratic government that achieves two main aims:

To create a body of democratically elected representatives which accurately and proportionally reflects the composition of the entire population of Canada in government policies and activities.

To limit corruption and the amassing of influence of individuals by distributing power widely among more people, with expansive oversight and regulation.

We believe that strict limits on personal power and proportional representation in government are required components of every successful democracy - which is why we based our Constitution on those principles.

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