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Pay Transparency

Policy Area

Priority Level

Last Updated



January 21, 2024

The Policy

The RPC will legislate mandatory transparency for all compensation (e.g., salary, stock, options, commissions) and benefits (e.g., health benefits, vacation, free or discounted goods and services, and other perks), including in all job postings (i.e., full time, part time, permanent, and contract) and throughout the entire course of employment, to reduce pay inequity and wage theft.

The Research

Our Broader Stance on:

The purpose of our economy is primarily to create and maintain the necessities for society. We are lucky enough to have surplus in our economic production which can also provide for many of our personal wishes and desires, beyond just our needs. Building a strong, resilient economy is critical to ensuring this continues to be the case.

An economy is not a playground for the ultrawealthy capitalists to extract surplus value by exploiting labourers.

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