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Policy Area

Priority Level

Last Updated



January 21, 2024

The Policy

The RPC will entirely and irrevocably ban assault-style weapons regardless of the impact it will have on hunters and hobbyists.

The RPC will also legislate strict new standards for the personal manufacturing, purchase, ownership, and sale of weapons; while protecting individual rights for subsistence hunting and sport shooting, we will actively work to dramatically reduce the number of weapons held by government, non-governmental groups, and individuals.

The Research

Our Broader Stance on:

The very first finding in a 2019 review of the Canadian criminal justice system[1], was that "the [current] system is archaic and has not kept pace with social change [and] some of its values and principles are outdated, including relying too heavily on punishment and incarceration and not enough on rehabilitation."

The RPC believes the justice system should be restorative, proportional, compassionate, ethical, and equitable, not focused on punitive outcomes or corrupted for personal and political gain.

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