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Businessman impatiently looking at watch

The Short Version

Your time is precious; we get that.

So, here's our platform elevator pitch...

Generic image of equality flags at a rally

Human Equality

No one chooses when, where, how, or who they're born - and the vast majority of us aren't born ultrawealthy.
It's time to put our 'left vs. right' political differences behind us and agree that we share several serious and urgent problems that affect Canadians from every political party.
The time has come time for a different kind of 'us vs. them...' 
These rapidly-worsening problems have now forced our hand: hard-working Canadians demand better living conditions from the billionaires who exploit our labour while evading taxes. While we wait for surgeries, they wait for delivery of their next yacht.
It's time for the poorest 99.9% to take the power back from the ultrawealthy.

The Future is Now

We've got robots in our factories, artificial intelligence in our cell phones, private spaceships, and nuclear energy flowing through our powerlines.
For the first time in human history, society can produce far more than it needs to merely just survive.

Industrial Robotic Arm
Volunteers at Food Bank

Needs of the Many

Since we have more than enough to provide for every Canadian, ethically, we must do exactly that.
Before the ultrawealthy take their billionth helping at the metaphorical buffet, let's make sure every Canadian has already had at least their first helping!

First Duty is to Care

A good government prioritizes care for its citizens above the ever-growing bank accounts of the ultrawealthy and above massive corporate profits.
We will drastically increase taxes on the ultrawealthy and their massive corporations and use those additional revenues to provide food and shelter and to expand education, healthcare, and financial supports for all Canadians.

Patient with Healthcare Nurse
Building Homes

Food, Water, Shelter, and Air

Every human needs safe and reliable access to food, water, shelter, and a livable environment to survive. We believe the federal government must guarantee every Canadian these necessities of life - which means providing for these basic needs directly and unconditionally. 
Access to human necessities must never be dependent on employment status, provided through next year's hypothetical tax rebate, delivered by profit-motivated private organizations, or rely on charitable donations from hard-working Canadians.

Education and Healthcare

We can't keep playing yo-yo with education and healthcare budgets to meet changing political agendas. Basic human needs are simply not up for debate.
In addition to food and shelter, we will irrevocably make all education free, including post-secondary, and mandate the national public healthcare system irrevocably expand to include full dental care, pharmacare, vision care, and mental healthcare.

Classroom Lecture
Mansion with a Pool

Proportional Contribution

The ultrawealthy have benefited from our suffering long enough; it's time they paid their fair share and repaid what they stole.
We will drastically increase taxes (e.g., capital gains and highest bracket income tax) for the ultrawealthy and make fines (e.g., speeding tickets, parking violations, and criminal restitutions) and fees (e.g., building permits, government-issued licenses, and late payment fees) proportional to financial means, to ensure they are fair too.

Proportional Representation

In Canada's unbalanced and antiquated electoral system, political parties can somehow form a 'majority government' despite winning less than 40% of the popular vote.
We agree with the NDP, Greens, Bloc Québécois, and even the Communist Party of Canada that a Mixed Member Proportional electoral system (or similar) is needed to ensure all Canadians' voices aren't just 'heard,' but are given direct, proportional power in the Canadian legislature.

United Nations

Time for a Change

​Greedy billionaire oligarchs are taking over Canada and the world and a human rights Revolution is the only solution.

Our 3 Priorities:

Food is a Right

We will nationalize food banks and provide enough funding for them to entirely eliminate hunger in Canada.

Green Fields
Family Dinner_edited_edited.png
Running Faucet_edited.png

Water is a Right

We will cancel contracts with Nestlé and ban all private water extraction in the future. We will also guarantee safe drinking water to every Canandian - no matter how remote the community.

Shelter is a Right

We will respect Canadians' human rights, in accodance with international law, and expand federally funded social housing until every Canadian has a home. To help keep housing affordable in the future we will also entirely ban corporate ownership of rental properties.

Modern Housing Complex
Blue Skies

Environmental Protection is a Right

Our planet is dying. We will immediately and permanently ban new oil and gas projects, end subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, expand environmental regulations, and fund initiatives to exceed our committments under the Paris Accord.

Learn more about the right to food from:

OHCHR logo.png

Learn more about the right to water from:

Neskantaga First Nation Logo.png

Learn more about housing rights from:

CAEH logo.png

Learn how we can save the planet with advice from:

Tax the Rich
(and give it to the 99%)

The poorest 40 million Canadians can't bear any more burden, so it's on the richest 40,000 Canadians to pay up.


To take back what they stole from us, we will create a scaling annual wealth tax on billionaires and implement punishing new surtaxes on businesses where the CEO or any executive makes more than 10x their lowest paid worker. We will eliminate the remaining capital gains exemption - making exceptions for modest family inheritances (i.e., under $5 million CAD).

We'll also implement a national Universal Basic Income (UBI) to protect all workers from the impacts of advancements in AI and robotics and workforce reductions in oil and gas.

Office Facade

Learn more about UBI and how we pay for it from:

UBI Works Logo.png
Voting in Election_edited.png

Finally End
First Past the Post

We will collaborate with all federal parties to develop representive electoral reform to end first past the post and implement proportional respresentation.

Learn more about electoral reform from:

Fair Vote Canada logo

The 3 Priorities

1. Guarantee Human Needs to all Canadians


Update the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (CCRF) [Wikipedia] to irrevocably guarantee safe and reliable access to the basic needs of human survival: food, water, shelter, and a livable environment.


How are these not already in there?! We have the right to toil in factories without discrimination, but the rights to food and shelter enjoy no such protections.   



2. Tax the Ultrawealthy, Give to Those in Need


Significantly increase taxes on banks, billionaires, and big businesses to pay for the increased spending on social programs as needed to deliver on these human rights guarantees. We will specifically and exclusively target drastic tax increases at the wealthiest 40,000 Canadians to support us poorest 40 million Canadians.


This means directly giving food and shelter to those without, while continuously maintaining social program funding at a level that eliminates homelessness and hunger in Canada entirely.



3. Make the Legislature More Accountable


Reform the Canadian electoral system, finally ending the century-long political duopology[Wikipedia]. We bounce back-and-forth and end up no further ahead then where we started.


Every federal party (except the Liberals and the Conservatives) wants electoral reform, the most popular alternatives being Mixed Member Proportional (MMP), Ranked Choice (RC), and Direct Democracy (DD) systems. Separately or in some combination, they would make the House of Commons more representative of how Canadians actually voted - and we agree!

This election, break the cycle.

Why Bother?

Do it for Canadians under 40.


Rising inflation and immigration, combined with wage stagnation and housing overvaluation, means fewer Millenial Canadians[source] and less than half of Generation Z and Generation Alpha will own their own home


The dramatic rise of rent and food prices in recent years is already causing an increase in the number of Canadians experiencing hunger and homelessness[source]. These figures had already been getting worse long before the pandemic, which further accelerated the increase.



Do it because we're done being exploited.


Meanwhile, the ultrawealthy get even wealthier[source]. They shop for mega-yachts while more and more Canadians visit food banks each year[source].


The longer we wait to put these critically needed changes into place, the more of our friends and family will needlessly fall victim to billionaires' greed. Is that what you want for your friends and family?


Do it because the climate depends on it, too.


Contrary to what you've been told, climate change is not the fault of everyday activities by average Canadians and banning plastic straws won't solve it. The real culprit is no secret: corporations putting profits over people. It's time we hold them accountable...

Our very survival is quietly becoming exclusively available for purchase in monthly installments from the ultrawealthy.

If you agree that future sounds terrible, we invite you to:

Sound Interesting?

We appreciate you taking the time to read our elevator pitch to get a taste of what we're proposing.


If you found these socialist ideas interesting or exciting, we invite you to read our full platform overview.

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